Last week we discussed the Twitter etiquette (aka twitterquette) of how to respond to follows, replies, and retweets. As with most aspects of life, there are more than three twitterquette rules to follow.
These additional tips will help you build relationships without sticking the proverbial foot in your mouth:
Avoid the Overshare:
The natural transparency of social media can lead us to share like it’s our job. However newsfeeds completely composed of tidbits about your latest trip to the garage and bout washing the dishes is enough to make anyone yawn. Avoid sharing details about your day-to-day life. Keep your bodily functions to yourself (including trips to the bathroom). And remember, true gentlemen (and ladies) never kiss and tell. If you don’t want your mom, client or boss reading your tweet – don’t send it!
Don’t be the Spoiler Jerk:
Sure, Twitter is and forever will be littered with spoilers. You, just don’t have to be the jerk who shares them.
Be Aware of the World:
While scheduling tweets can be an excellent way to save time, it can also be an excellent way to come off as insensitive or unaware. Be conscious of what’s going on in the world. Consider if your scheduled tweets are appropriate.
Keep the Self-Pointed Spotlight to a Minimum:
Yes, Twitter’s a networking tool. You’re in business. You have something of value to sell. But, shameless plug after shameless plug is no better than the neighbor hawking Tupperware at every Christmas party. A little self-promotion isn’t a bad thing. Nothing but self-promotion is a good way to lose followers.
Use 3 Hash Tags Max:
It may seem that #tweeting #nothingbuthashtags #isagreatwaytoengage. But, it’s not. It’s just annoying and hard to read. And, it’s not nearly as effective. Use a max of three hash tags. Preferably, place them at the end of your tweet. However, if the hash tags are not disruptive, they work fine within your tweet.
Don’t be a Pest:
Just because you’re following and tweeting to someone, doesn’t mean they’re going to tweet back. Sending tweet, after tweet, after tweet is like trying to ask a girl out to prom over and over again. You might do it. But, it also might get you shunned.
Consider Your Opinions:
Chances are pretty good in a networking situation you consider your audience before sharing a potentially controversial topic. Think of Twitter as a networking event packed with individuals of every belief imaginable. No matter how well-informed your opinion might be, consider if it will add value to the conversation. And – most importantly – consider if you are willing to accept any negative consequences of upsetting your friends, followers, clients and/or employers by sharing.