
Writing’s not easy. Even the best of the best work hard creating well-structured articles that are both educational and entertaining.

And while it may seem like researching, drafting, and editing feels similar to slogging through mud, the payoff is worth it. Publishing original content improves your site’s search engine optimization and helps you form a better relationship with your clients.

Google Hates Duplicate Content

Google is the search engine task master. Their super-secret algorithms hold the keys to your prospect’s attention. These algorithms determine how and where your website appears in search results.

While only a select few people in the world know exactly how these algorithms work, we do know some very definite truths about them. Namely, we know that the algorithms consider duplicate content to be spam.

Why? Because Google’s prime goal is to deliver an exceptional user experience. This is accomplished by providing useful answers to search queries. Because Google considers duplicate content to be spam, its value is automatically diminished. Thus, websites with original content receive a significant advantage.

Sharing Original Content Lets You Meet New Prospects

Google’s view of duplicate content may seem like a headache. Copying and pasting is a lot easier than drafting something unique. But, we believe this is an incredible opportunity to reach not only new prospects – but the right prospects.

Why? Because the nature of high quality search results is that your website appears to those who are interested in your product or service.

Publishing Original Content Positions You as an Expert

Consumers want to work with experts. Think about how you decide where to spend your money. When you’re copying and pasting content from another site, you’re showing off what that expert knows. You’re not displaying your expertise.

Publishing original content allows you to present your own, unique insights.

Exception: Content Curation

Like most rules, there is an exception to duplicate content being valuable - content curation.

Content curation is a process of identifying high quality articles. When done well, content curators share a synopsis, link, and personal insight of the articles they value. Typically, they’ll share a snippet or two of the article. It’s rare they’ll present the article in its entirety.

Are they publishing duplicate content? Sort of. But the case can also certainly be made that their content is original.

Exception: Social Shares

When it comes to social media, sharing others content isn’t just okay, it’s expected. Sharing only your own work can often come off as self centered. Remember, social media is intended to be social. It’s about starting conversations.

You certainly want to share links and snippets from your own content. But, you also want to share articles you found to be valuable. In this way, you are adding to the conversation rather than just saying, “Look at met!” (Learn more about Twitter etiquette.)

How can you develop original content? Next week we’ll tips and insights about how to generate a topic list so you’re consistently sharing original content. Until then, this previous journal about content strategy is a great place to start.