
Making the time to read every great post and article can be difficult. We get it. That’s why we’ve rounded five of our most helpful posts from 2014. These tidbits will give you some important insights for planning your 2015 success.

Responsive Web Design Solutions

Responsive web designs are web designs that respond to their environment. Their layout isn’t set in stone. It changes, optimizing for each user’s device. In today’s mobile-dominated world, this user-friendly approach to designing is more important than ever.

However, responsive web design also a relatively new process. It is significantly different than the traditional wireframe approach. To give you a little insight, our copywriter huddled up with RWL Design’s president and explored the ins and outs. You can read their shoptalk here.

Twitter Etiquette Rules to Follow

Etiquette has been around since man first learned to make fire. In those days it was a little simpler, don't dump water on another man's coals. However, the principle is still the same: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. With Twitter's new digitally conducted conversation it can easy to forget how a little consideration and thoughtfulness can build strong relationships. To help you brush up on your twitterquette we've compiled the most important rules.

How Blog Posts Cultivate Multiple Pieces of Content

Participating on multiple platforms can be extremely time consuming. This is especially true if you plan to share original, valuable information. Luckily if you know what you're doing, you can use your blog posts to cultivate multiple share-worthy pieces for a wide variety of platforms. Learn more.

The Power of Thank You

Thank you isn’t just a simple, time wasting pleasantry. A genuine thank you was, and is, the spoken embodiment of putting others first. It helps you build stronger relationships with your employees and customers alike. It makes your business more successful. Learn a few common, and not so common, ways to express your appreciation.

Why Publishing Original Content is Important

Google hates duplicate content. It really hates it. It hates it so much it throws websites with duplicate content to the bottom of search results more regularly than it rains in Seattle. That's effectively like being thrown out with the trash. You know who else hates duplicate content? Your clients. In nearly every case, duplicate content doesn't deliver nearly the value of original content. Discover more about why publishing original content is important.