
Let’s get this straight right now – copywriting – the really great stuff – is persuasive. It causes people to do or buy something.

But, we get it. You’re not a writer. You didn’t ace English lit. In fact, even drafting an email seems like a chore. Does this sound familiar? Don’t worry. You’re not alone.

You don’t have to be a writer. In all likelihood, you’re a professional in something else. And that is A-OK.

However, no matter what you do, you are a communicator. Even accountants have to talk to their clients. It’s the key to building relationships and growing your business. And because you’re a communicator, you have to understand what makes persuasive copy.

The reality may throw you for a little bit of a loop. We’re just going to warn you right now because persuasive copy isn’t about sharing every single detail. It’s not about diagramming sentences. It’s not perfect punctuation. Nor is it proper paragraphs.

Think we’re crazy? Maybe we are.

But, the proof is in the pudding. Time and again, we see the best copy is conversational. It connects with the reader and is presented in a scan-friendly format. It is focused.

In short, persuasive copy is conversational. It’s engaging. And, it’s clear.

How do you know if your copy is conversational, engaging and clear?
While there’s no perfect formula to creating persuasive copy, you can determine if your copy is conversational, engaging and clear.

  • Ask Yourself – Read the copy through from beginning to end. Then, ask yourself: Would I have read this voluntarily?

  • Ask Others – Ask a friend or colleague to read through the copy and give you feedback. Were they bored stiff? What did they think you were trying to say? Was it actually what you were trying to communicate?

  • Give it a Test Run – Not every marketing piece you create will hit it out of the park. Don’t worry. If you pay attention, you learn more from your mistakes than your successes. If your copy passed both the “Ask Yourself” and “Ask Others” tests, give it a go and monitor how it performs.

Over the next few weeks we’re going to continue exploring copywriting. We’ll be sharing some tips and tricks. We’ll discuss active and passive language. And, we’ll touch upon some foot-in-mouth mistakes to avoid.

Have specific copywriting questions you would like discussed? Shoot us a Tweet or eave a comment on Facebook. We’d love to address them.