
Your editorial calendar is your virtual to do list. It’s your brainstorming platform and your accountability tool. It is your road map.

Driven by the work you did content mapping, this living, breathing document provides a clear structure of what to do and when to do it.

Revel in the thought of this. Go on for a second. Soak it up. Your editorial calendar is your slam-dunk time machine. Why? Because while you can’t pack more hours into a day, you can become more efficient. And, your editorial calendar will help you do just that.

It’s likely you already have some sort of editorial calendar. Perhaps it’s the mass of sticky notes on the wall above your desk or a large pile of dinner napkins. Don’t worry. We’re not recommending you throw those ideas to the curb. In fact, those ideas are a gold mine. Keep them. We just suggest you put them into a more secure location. We’ll get to where in a second.

Utilize Google Doc Spreadsheets

Here at RWL Design, we’re big Google Doc fans. It’s an easy to use, affordable platform that makes sharing and collaborating a breeze. When it comes to creating an editorial calendar this is exactly what you need.

By utilizing Google Doc spreadsheets, you’ll have unlimited space, multiple tabs and some fancy font and color options.

Begin by organizing your editorial calendar in columns. In it’s most barebones form, these columns should include:

  • Publishing Date
  • Author
  • Title
  • Notes

Additionally, you might want to include:

  • Status
  • Category
  • Keywords

Fill that Baby In

Remember those sticky notes and napkins? Use them to start filling in your editorial calendar.

What happens if some of them don’t fit with your upcoming marketing plans? Don’t worry. Create a new tab in your spreadsheet titled “Backlog Ideas.” Create two columns:

  • Titles
  • Notes

Add your extra ideas there. You never know when they’ll come in handy or spark new inspiration.

Remember to Be Flexible

As you fill in your editorial calendar, remember to be flexible. Just because a title lands on a specific date, doesn’t mean you have to post that content right then or even at all.

Your editorial calendar is a living, breathing document. It can change and adapt to suit your needs. If important news comes up that your audience will find valuable, take advantage of it. Push your publishing date for the content you have drafted.

So, what’s on your calendar today?