
Do you have five minutes for your business this Labor Day weekend?

We’ve rounded up five amazing posts and summarized them into bite-sized pieces. We promise this won’t take you more than five minutes to read. If you want more, just follow the links!

1. The right picture can be the difference between making a sale and losing a lead.

As the average attention span continues to shrink and the Internet becomes more and more of a staple, the importance of pictures does nothing but increase. Make sure you’re sharing a picture that accurately communicates your message and engages your audience.

Get more information on one of our latest posts, “5 Essential Elements to Using Images on the Web”.

2. Start planning your holiday promotions now to maximize your success.

The holidays offer an incredible opportunity for you to reach out to customers and strengthen your relationships. They also allow you to showcase who you are and what you stand for. But to take full advantage of them, you need to plan.

Discover “5 Ways to Infuse Your Marketing with Holiday Cheer”.

.3 If your site isn’t user-friendly, your search result placement will drop significantly.

Many folks think Search Engine Optimization is just about keywords. It is about a whole lot more. Search engines judge the value of your site on multiple factors, including how user-friendly it is.

Learn more about how to Evaluate Your Site’s SEO performance.

4. A content calendar helps you preplan your social shares so you’re not scrambling to push something out.

As with any relationship, including those on social media, consistency is key. Your audience needs to be able to count on you to regularly publish high-quality content. Creating a content calendar helps ensure you’re prepared.

Learn “Why & How to Create a Social Media Content Calendar”.

5. Use words that engage your audience to maximize results.

The more your audience engages with you, the more likely they are to remember your business, purchase your products, and recommend your services. By using words that naturally engage readers, you can trigger an internal response from your audience.

Discover 5 Words that Engage.

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We’re thinking about incorporating a few roundups into our content calendar if you find it helpful. Yup, that means a survey is coming :)

Wait… There’s more

This is a holiday weekend after all, so after you have taken your time for your business, take some time for you, too. Turn off the phone, take a walk, ride your bike, go get some coffee, hangout with a friend, turn on the Xbox, play with your kids, or whatever you find relaxing.

Make it a great day.