
Successful tweeters don’t just throw up a 140-character tweet every now and then. They understand Twitter’s nuances and best practices. Whether you’re a Twitter newbie or a long-standing Twitter citizen, these are five tips about which you should be aware.

Know Your Audience

Identify your ideal audience. Most likely, this will be your clients and prospects. But, it might also include networking contacts, colleagues with whom you bounce ideas around and individuals who are advocates for your brand.

Know What Makes A Good Tweet

Tweets are 140 characters. That’s roughly a sentence and a half, so you have to be brief. There are no ifs, ands or buts about it. Typically the best tweets share a snippet of information and a link where your followers can learn more. But, they also might ask a question or share a funny, yet relevant, joke.

Remember, the best tweets are the ones which engage others. Test different verbiage and types. Track the results. Are people favoriting, re-tweeting, or replying? See what’s working for you and build from there.

Know Who To Follow

Reading your buddy’s tweets about last night’s escapades may be funny, but those aren’t the tweets which help your business grow. The idea is to engage with your target audience. Those are the people you want to be following.

Know What To Search

Scrolling through an endless number of tweets might find you a few gems to re-tweet and favorite. But, it’s also going to waste a lot of your time. Use #hashtags to search information which is relevant to you.

Know How To Be A Good Twitter Citizen

An endless stream of self-promoting tweets will quickly turn you into the modern day used car salesman. Twitter, like all Social Media, thrives on sharing and engagement. To be a good Twitter citizen, think of promoting others first through re-tweets, @mentions and favorites.

Are you tweeting? We are. Join us at @RWLDesign.