
RWL Design moved. And, we’re pretty darn excited about our new space. Still, we’d be lying if we said our move was headache free.

There’s a lot to do when you move! The packing. The unpacking. The organizing. With so many moving pieces (pun intended), it can be easy to forget something in the shuffle. Below is a list of things you can’t forget to do.

Check things off as you complete them. Nothing eases the headache of moving like knowing you covered all the must-dos.

Moving Your Business Must Dos

Update Your Address – You’ll need to update the address on file in a variety of locations, including:

  • Your city
  • Your states’ Department of Revenue
  • Your bank (at this time you’ll also want to reorder your checks and deposit slips)
  • The Post Office - you can change your address online :)
  • Your utilities
  • Your local citations (Google, Yelp, Facebook, etc.)

Address Tip: You can update your address with at the federal level next time you file.

Check Zoning – Prior to moving to a new location, make sure the address is zoned appropriately to accommodate your business. For example, if you work from home there may be restrictions on customers visiting your home office or employees working on site.

Paint First – If you are going to repaint the space, make sure to do it prior to moving any furniture, equipment or documents.

Paint Tip: Researchers have found light blue and light green are typically more productive and calming colors. (Please keep in mind, this research makes the blanket assumption you are Caucasian.)

Update Your Collaterals – Anything on which your business address is printed will need to be replaced. This includes:

  • Stationary
  • Business cards
  • Invoice slips

Have you moved in the past? What were some of the things you did to make the transition as smooth as possible?