
In this journal entry, you’ll discover seven recipes for writing social media statuses that actually get your fans to engage.

You create a social media profile. You publish a few statuses.

And nothing happens.

Sorry to break it to you. But, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social platform on which you might be aren’t like your own Field of Dreams.

If you publish it, they won’t always come.

Nor will they always engage with you. This is true even if you have the absolute BEST content ever. There’s no exact recipe for success.

However, through trial and error, we’ve seen some things that work and some things that don’t. The following seven social media status recipes are ones we’ve used successfully time and again.

The idea behind them is simple: Seduction + Value

Great social posts aren’t just about useful facts. They’re about enticing your fans to want those useful facts. The goal with each of these social media status is to pique your fans’ curiosity enough to get them to click and then deliver exactly what was offered.

The latter is key. Seduction for seduction’s sake is like a bad first date. (Also known as click bate.)

Seduction with follow through makes you come back for breakfast. So with no further ado, here are our seven social media statuses that work:

  1. Need to [Solve a Problem]? Here’s an easy way to do it: [LINK]

  2. Learn how to [Do Something]: [LINK]

  3. Want [Blank]? Check out [Blank]: [LINK]*

  4. Make today about [Accomplishing a Task]: [LINK]

  5. Get the [X Tools You Need] so you can stop [Having X Problem]: [LINK]

  6. Love [a result]? Make it happen: [LINK]

  7. Scared of [Problem]? Easily conquer it: [LINK]

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Want your social media presence to work for you without taking up all your time? Our team handles the nitty gritty of creating, publishing, and monitoring so you can focus on what you do best - your business.

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Additional Reading

The Truth About Twitter Etiquette Why does Twitter etiquette matter? In short, it protects you and your business. Learn how, plus get our free Twitter Etiquette Commandment Cheat Sheet!

ROCK Your Instagram Game with the Latest FREE Update Instagram’s new carousel feature allows you to engage fans through in-depth stories like never before.

The 3 Best Ways to Impact the Organizations You Love Through Your Facebook Participation As an advocate for a specific business or organization, it can be difficult to know how to maximize your engagement. Use these tips.